Value Bets Explained: Betting Guide and Tips

This guide will explain what is value betting and how it works, provide some tips for finding value bets in a variety of situations, and discuss some common mistakes to avoid when placing value bets.

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Value bets, also known as wager arbitrage, are a type of wagering strategy that involves placing a bet on all possible outcomes of an event. A value bet is based on the concept that the bookmaker’s odds for each outcome may differ from the true probability of that outcome occurring. By betting on every possible outcome with different odds, it is possible to create a positive expected return regardless of the result of the event.

When used correctly, value betting can be an effective way to maximize returns and minimize losses when betting on sports or other events. This guide will explain what is value betting and how it works, provide some tips for finding value bets in a variety of situations, and discuss some common mistakes to avoid when placing value bets.

What Are Value Bets?

A value bet is a wager where the odds offered by the bookmaker are higher than the gambler’s estimate of the true probability of that outcome occurring. This means that if you place enough value bets, you can make money regardless of whether or not your predicted outcomes actually occur.

For example, let’s say that Team A is playing Team B in a soccer match and you think there is a 50% chance that Team A will win. The bookmaker has set odds of 2/1 for Team A to win. In this situation, placing a bet on Team A would be considered a value bet because your estimated probability (50%) is higher than the bookmaker’s odds (2/1).

To maximize your returns when placing value bets, it’s important to understand how to identify value bets in a variety of situations and how to calculate your expected return.

What Types of Value Bets Are There?

Value bets can be classified into two broad categories: positive expected value (EV) bets and negative expected value (EV) bets. Positive EV bets are those where the gambler’s estimated probability of an outcome is higher than the bookmaker’s odds, while negative EV bets are those where the gambler’s estimate is lower than the bookmaker’s odds.

For example, if you think that Team A has a 50% chance of winning but the bookmaker has set odds of 3/2 for them to win, then it would be considered a negative EV bet because your estimated probability of them winning (50%) is lower than the bookmaker’s odds (3/2).

Popular Sports for Value Bets

Value bets can be used in a variety of sports, but some are more popular than others. The most commonly used sports for value betting are football (soccer), American football, basketball, tennis, and golf.

These sports have large enough betting markets to make it relatively easy to find value bets on them and the outcomes tend to be less unpredictable than other sports. This makes it easier to accurately estimate the probability of each outcome occurring when placing value bets on these sports.

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Finding Value Bets

When looking for value bets, the key is to look for discrepancies between the bookmakers’ odds and your own estimates of the true probability of an outcome occurring. The best way to do this is by doing research on teams or competitors involved in each event before placing any wagers. This can help you estimate their chances of winning based on factors such as team form, injuries, head-to-head records, and recent performances.

It’s also important to be aware of the bookmakers’ margin when looking for value bets. The bookmakers’ margin is the difference between the true probability of an outcome occurring and the odds they are offering. For example, if a bookmaker is offering odds of 2/1 on Team A winning a soccer match but you estimate that Team A has a 50% chance of winning, then the bookmaker’s margin would be 4%.

Once you have estimated the chances of each possible outcome occurring, it’s time to compare them to the odds offered by different bookmakers. If one or more bookmakers are offering higher odds than your own estimates, then these could potentially represent value bets.

Calculating Your Expected Return

Once you have identified a value bet, it’s time to calculate your expected return. This is the amount of money that you can expect to win from placing a wager on the event minus any fees or taxes.

The formula for calculating your expected return is as follows:

Expected Return = (Odds Offered x Probability of Occurring) – 1

Where Odds Offered is the odds offered by the bookmaker and Probability of Occurring is your estimate of the true probability of that outcome occurring.

For example, let’s say you want to place a value bet on Team A winning a soccer match with odds offered at 2/1 and you estimate that Team A has a 50% chance of winning. In this case, your expected return would be:

Expected Return = (2/1 x 0.5) – 1

= 0.5 – 1

= -0.5

This means that you can expect to make a loss of 0.5 units if you place the bet, before any fees or taxes are taken into account.

Basics of a Value Bet Betting Strategy

Once you have identified a value bet, the key is to limit your losses by only placing wagers on events where the expected return is positive. This means that you should only place value bets when the odds offered by the bookmaker are higher than your estimates of the true probability of an outcome occurring.

You can also increase your profits by diversifying your wagers across several different events. This way, even if one or more of your wagers don’t work out in your favor, you will still be able to make a profit from those that do.

Tips for Placing Value Bets

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of value betting:

  • Do your research and estimate each team’s chances of winning as accurately as possible. This will help you identify value bets more easily and maximize your returns when placing wagers.
  • Compare the odds offered by different bookmakers to ensure that you are getting the best value.
  • Be aware of any fees or taxes that may apply when placing wagers and factor them into your calculations.
  • Don’t be tempted to place large value bets if they don’t fit into your overall betting strategy.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Placing Value Bets

When placing value bets, it’s important to avoid a few common mistakes:

  • Don’t bet on an event where you don’t understand all of the details or have not done your research. This can lead to losses that could have been avoided with proper research.
  • Don’t place large wagers on value bets that don’t fit into your overall betting strategy.
  • Don’t be tempted to place bets on events where the odds are too good to be true. These may not be genuine value bets and could lead to losses.


Value bets can be an effective way to maximize returns and minimize losses when betting on sports or other events. By understanding how value bets work, researching teams or competitors involved in each event before placing any wagers, comparing the odds offered by different bookmakers, and avoiding common mistakes, you can get the most out of value betting and increase your chances of success. With patience and practice, anyone can learn how to identify and calculate expected return from value bets.

Noah Belanger
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