What Does the Plus and Minus Mean in Betting?

In this article, we will explain what the plus and minus mean in betting and how they influence your decisions when placing sports bets.

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In the world of sports betting, understanding how to read betting odds is crucial for making informed wagers. One of the key elements of odds is the presence of a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. These signs convey important information about the potential outcome of a bet. In this article, we will explain what the plus and minus mean in betting and how they influence your decisions when placing bets on sports events.

The Plus Sign (+): Understanding Underdogs

When you encounter a plus sign in betting odds, it signifies the underdog in the matchup. This means that the team or player associated with the plus sign is considered less likely to win according to the bookmakers’ assessments.

Example: +150

In this example, a bet of $100 on the underdog would yield a total payout of $250 if they were to win (including the initial stake).

The Minus Sign (-): Identifying Favorites

Conversely, the minus sign indicates the favorite in the matchup. This indicates the team or player that is expected to win according to the bookmakers’ assessments.

Example: -200

Here, a bettor would need to wager $200 to win $100 (including the initial stake) on the favorite.

Calculating Payouts

Understanding how to calculate potential payouts is essential in betting. For plus odds, you can use the formula:

Potential Payout = (Stake × Odds) + Stake

For minus odds, the formula is slightly different:

Potential Payout = Stake / (Odds / 100)

These calculations allow you to estimate your potential returns based on the odds provided.

Implications for Betting Strategy

The presence of plus and minus signs can greatly influence your betting strategy. Betting on underdogs (plus odds) can offer higher potential payouts, but they come with greater risk. On the other hand, favorites (minus odds) offer a higher likelihood of winning, but the potential payouts are lower. It’s important to balance risk and reward based on your assessment of the matchup and your risk tolerance.

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Understanding how to read betting odds is a fundamental skill for anyone looking to bet on sports. The plus and minus signs provide valuable information about which team or player is favored and which is the underdog. This knowledge enables you to make more informed decisions when placing bets. Remember to consider both the potential payout and the associated risk when evaluating odds. With practice, you’ll become more adept at interpreting odds and making strategic bets in the world of sports betting.

Noah Belanger
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